Mindful Art

Imagine Well Being offers mindful art as an invitation to tune into the senses and allow one to be present without judgment or concern about the outcome. It is an opportunity to compassionately witness the voice of the inner critic that often rises when people create art.

Various opportunities are available to explore mindful art through Imagine Well Being, including: Watercolor in Nature, Mindful Crafting, Collaging, Poetry, Photography, Nature Journaling, and Ikebana.

art class
outdooor journal

“Art is a natural way of practicing mindfulness. The colors, textures and sounds of creating pull us into the moment. You don’t need any previous training to meditate through art, just a willingness to create like a child, with freedom and a sense of curiosity. There is no perfect. There’s just art that never got made.”

~ Amy Maricle, NYT article “How to Be Mindful When Making Art”

Check out this page:  The Art in All of Us

Mindful Art Calendar